Technolegau Peirianneg

Trosolwg o'r cwrs

The EAL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Engineering Technologies is a Vocational Related Qualification (VRQ).

It has been specifically designed for learners undertaking specific pathways within an advanced Apprenticeship or 16-19-year-old learners in full-time education who are interested in pursuing a career in the engineering sector, including occupations and job roles such as maintenance engineer, mechanical engineer, welder and/or fabricator, and electrical and/or electronic engineer.


This qualification is predominantly for learners completing specific pathways within an advanced level Apprenticeship or in full-time education and who are interested in pursuing a career in the engineering sector. The qualification may also be suitable for learners who are interested in engineering technology.

Gwybodaeth allweddol

Mae mwyafrif y cyrsiau'n ddwy flynedd o hyd oni nodir yn wahanol.

  Cod QiW: C00/0718/3

  Cymhwyster: EAL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma

Mae'r holl gyrsiau'n gywir adeg eu huwchlwytho. Dim ond os oes niferoedd digonol y gall cyrsiau redeg.



Cheweched Powys Sixth wedi'i gnoi a ddarperir gan Gyngor Sir Powys. Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â

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