Adeiladu a'r Amgylchedd Adeiledig

Trosolwg o'r cwrs

This course is delivered for a full day every Wednesday.

The Foundation Diploma is for learners looking to study construction as a one-year, full-time course, or for those wishing to take it alongside another area of contrasting or complementary study, as part of a two-year, full-time study programme.

It supports progression to higher education, if taken as part of a programme of study that includes
other BTEC Nationals or A Levels. It also supports progression to an Apprenticeship in the construction sector or to a further year of study at Level 3.



Gwybodaeth allweddol

Mae mwyafrif y cyrsiau'n ddwy flynedd o hyd oni nodir yn wahanol.

  Cod QiW: C00/1228/6

  Cymhwyster: Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma

Mae'r holl gyrsiau'n gywir adeg eu huwchlwytho. Dim ond os oes niferoedd digonol y gall cyrsiau redeg.



Cheweched Powys Sixth wedi'i gnoi a ddarperir gan Gyngor Sir Powys. Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â

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