Hanes yr Henfyd

Trosolwg o'r cwrs

OCR’s A Level in Ancient History has been designed to help learners develop their understanding of the ancient world and how its legacy affects today’s society. We have designed this qualification with teachers and learners in mind, having consulted extensively across the United Kingdom to ensure that OCR’s A Level in Ancient History engages learners, develops a desire within them
to continue learning about ancient history and helps develop a lifelong enthusiasm for the ancient world.

This course is delivered online.

Specification: https://www.ocr.org.uk/Images/313570-specification-accredited-a-level-ancient-history-h407.pdf


Ar ol cwblhaur rhaglen, gall ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus symud ymlaen i sawl cwrs yn y Brifysgol, yn ogystal â chyfleoedd cyflogaeth amrywiol yn y diwydiant.


Gwybodaeth allweddol

Mae mwyafrif y cyrsiau'n ddwy flynedd o hyd oni nodir yn wahanol.

  Cod QiW: C00/1171/6

  Cymhwyster: OCR Level 3 A Level

Mae'r holl gyrsiau'n gywir adeg eu huwchlwytho. Dim ond os oes niferoedd digonol y gall cyrsiau redeg.



Cheweched Powys Sixth wedi'i gnoi a ddarperir gan Gyngor Sir Powys. Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â post16@powys.gov.uk

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