Uniform / Dress and Equipment Protocol
There is no requirement for a specific school uniform to be worn by Chweched Powys post 16 learners when attending schools/education providers. However, schools may have their own uniform policy which should be followed by home students. Students should wear their Chweched Powys ID badge and lanyard at all times when on school site/s.
The provider will provide the home base school with details of the provider dress code and any specific clothing or equipment required for collaborative courses (e.g., practical courses such as BTEC Sport, Engineering etc.). Where specific clothing/PPE or equipment is required, the provider will provide this.
It is Chweched Powys policy that all students attending courses at Chweched Powys providers be encouraged to wear clothing appropriate to their surroundings - i.e. An educational setting that hosts children of all ages.
Headteachers will retain the right to determine whether any garment worn by a home or visiting student is wholly suitable for a school setting.