Complaints Protocol

Complaints Protocol

Initial Concerns

Concerns are to be taken seriously and handled, if possible, without the need  for formal procedures. Formal procedures will need to be invoked when initial   attempts to resolve the issue were unsuccessful and the person raising the concern remains dissatisfied and wishes to take the matter further.


Each establishment should have a designated named person as Complaints Officer.


Each establishment should have its own Complaints Policy which is shared with all stakeholders. Most Powys schools will follow the model complaint policy provided by the Local Authority.


  1. If the provider receives a concern or complaint, the home base school should be notified


  1. The home base school will designate a named person to deal with all Students will be made aware of the complaints procedure and the relevant point of contact in the event of a complaint during induction. Staff in the provider will be informed of the contact.


  1. Wherever possible the home base school will contact the provider within two working days of receiving any complaint from a student or parent / carer and the provider will try to resolve the problem as soon as


  1. In the case of an unresolved complaint, the matter should be dealt with following the Powys LEA model complaints policy in partnership with the Governing Bodies of both schools.


  1. If the complaint remains unresolved, the complaint will be referred to the Strategic Management Board (SMB) for resolution.


  1. A register of complaints, actions taken, timings and outcomes, is to be kept at the home base



(This protocol is one within a series of protocols and should not be considered in isolation. Protocols may be reviewed and are subject to change)