Induction Protocol

Induction Protocol



A thorough process of induction is very important in safeguarding the interests of learners working away from the home base school on a course of study or training. It is also necessary to safeguard the interests of the provider and home base school.

Induction requires a partnership between the home school and the provider to ensure that a course is appropriate to the needs of the learner, provides a safe environment, includes learners in the process of safeguarding their own interests and promotes a happy introduction to the new situation.

The Induction Process at the Home Base School

Areas which will need to be covered include:

  • Attendance procedures
  • Behaviour procedures
  • Safeguarding & Child Protection – keeping safe (including nominated staff member at the provider)
  • Transport to and from the provider
  • Emergency procedures and contacts
  • Lunchtime and break arrangements
  • Expected standards of behaviour and dress
  • Parental permissions – copies to be given to the provider
  • Meeting/introduction to key staff (e.g. SLT)


The Induction Process at the Provider

The provider will need to provide adequate information, instruction, training and      supervision according to the learner’s needs. This starts with an induction into the organisation and course. In addition, it will include as a minimum:

  • Attendance procedures
  • Behaviour procedures
  • Emergency procedures
  • Introduction to key staff
  • Tour of premises
  • Hazards, risks and precautions
  • IT acceptable use policy, safe usage
  • Specialist equipment and clothing where appropriate
  • Lunchtime and break facilities
  • Mobile phone policy
  • Parental consent form for images of their child to be used by the host provider
  • Anything else relevant and specific to the provider


It is good practice to record any health and safety training given and check understanding afterwards. Provider staff will act as role models in health and safety matters and to reinforce rules and procedures.

Providers will ensure that an induction checklist is completed and will give copies to the home school and the student.










(This protocol is one within a series of protocols and should not be considered in  isolation. Protocols may be reviewed and are subject to change)




















Induction Checklist – Home Base School





Notes / Action Points

Signed by home school


Students have been informed of what to do in the case of illness or other legitimate reasons for non-attendance at off-site provision





Transport arrangements and transport safety arrangements have been discussed





Full course and assessment details have been discussed with students including their responsibilities to complete all work





Students have been given the contact  details for a named contact at the home school in case of problems





Arrangements are in place for students in receipt of free school meals





Arrangements are in place for students with any Additional Learning Needs and information has been provided to the host institution





Parents have been made aware of the above procedures and

parental consent has been gained for transport and lunchtime arrangements





Arrangements are in place for students requiring the administration of medicines





Students are aware of session times





Students are aware of any clothing/PPE/equipment requirements





Students are aware of mobile phone   policy






Learner Induction Checklist – Learner at Provider


Induction Procedure

Please tick

I have been given a guided tour of the provider’s premises


I have been introduced to key staff at the provider


I know the procedures in case of fire


I know about the Health and Safety policies and procedures


I know what to do if first aid is required and if I need specialist medication


I know who to contact, at school and the provider, if I have a problem


I know the arrangements if I have to leave the premises


I know what to do if I am absent or I am late for a session


I understand the transport arrangements


I know about the break and lunchtime arrangements


I have received a copy of the student handbook


I know what course(s) I am taking


I have an Individual Learning Plan and know who my mentor or key worker is


I know how the behaviour, rewards and consequences systems work


I have signed and understood the Acceptable Use Policy


I know the provider’s policy on mobile phones


I know the attendance requirements for my course


I know have been given details of the start and end times of the day and when breaks and lunchtimes are


I know when my review(s) is/are



Learner name:                                                                                                 




Name of staff member from provider:                                                                                                  






Provider name:                                                                                                  

